• +91 8989949800
  • info@helpingbuddy.in
  • 8989452800
Save life through "Blood Donation"


Do you know? India has the world's largest shortage of blood. In every two seconds someone in India needs blood. It is estimated that over 12,000 persons die every day in India due to non availability of blood. This proportion can be reduced by promoting blood donation. Donating blood is a small gesture that can have an immense impact in a world where life is constantly in motion. We at "HELPING BUDDY" support this initiative to save lives as a noble cause. Join us and learn about the life-changing potential of blood donation and its amazing significance.

How can you help?

Once you register on our app, you may list your information and build a donor profile. If you are a recipient, however, you must construct the request. Once you send a request, all donors who have registered on our app will receive an alert. Any donor who clicks the notification will be taken to the request page, where they can find all of the recipient's details, including their phone number. The donor must give a call to the recipient before they go for blood donation. Anyone who has registered on the app as a donor is eligible to view the request for blood and act to save a life. Become the "SAVIOUR OF LIVES" by becoming a "BLOOD DONOR"


Blood donation is the rhythm that connects us all together in the music of life. We at "HELPING BUDDY" gladly welcome you to contribute for the welfare of whole community. Acknowledge the power of giving, and let's work together to make sure that life continues in flow.